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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Rusty - Visual Impact Program

I'm not going to lie...

Rusty Moore

I've had about 10 pounds of fat I've wanted to lose since April.

I still have visible abs and it's not much weight to lose

...but I keep finding ways to hold on to this last little bit of body fat.

The positive is that I added a ton of strength and density at this time without going up in body fat. 

With 2 months until the start of summer, you have just about the right amount of time to drop 10-15 pounds of body fat.Time is've now lost the luxury of screwing around.

To be honest, most successful goals have a time-crunch element.

What I mean by that is that you wind up working harder when you know time is limited.

This is part of the reason, these last 10 pounds of fat have been so hard to shake.Rusty Moore Official webpage (

...I had 6+ months to lose this weight.

Now, I have 1/3 that amount of time.

Some tips for getting lean by June 21st.

Create an easy to follow meal plan: Don't worry if it is bland. You will only need to follow it the next 8 weeks.

As an example, here's what I plan on eating during this time.

Protein shake in the morning.
Protein shake or chicken salad for lunch.
Chicken salad for dinner.

Note: Every 2nd or third dinner will be chicken with rice and vegetables. The rice will be a moderate amount to keep the leptin levels high without adding too many calories to the day.  

A consistent workout plan: There are so many workouts that work well, especially when the deficit is pretty high from the diet. 

I'd recommend you aim for 5-6 days per week for the next 8 weeks. Once summer hits, you can and should back way off on the formal exercise.

Rusty Moore Visual Impact men's and women's program work very well for summer prep. If you have a lot of weight to lose and you don't mind spending a bit more time in the gym, my Visual Impact program will help you drop a lot of fat & build the muscle in a 2 month time frame.

Get a little leaner than your target size: My idea of a great summer is not spending a ton of time indoors in a gym. Give yourself a bit of wiggle room, by dropping down lighter than your target weight.

Do the hard work now, so you can coast and enjoy summer.


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